Američki izbori i BRIKS u ovom trenutku za EU važniji od problema Beograda i Prištine

Živana Tasić avatar

Diplomat and former ambassador to the UN Branko Branković stated today that he does not expect new provocations from Pristina towards Belgrade at the Berlin Process summit, but also does not expect any major decisions that will significantly affect the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as he believes that the EU now has two more important events, namely, the BRICS summit and the US elections.

Branković told Tanjug that Serbia, nor any other country, cannot do anything significant until the EU’s relationship with BRICS and the US elections are clear.

„I am convinced that Kosovo and Metohija will not be a priority for consideration at the Berlin Process. It will be the status of the EU, what to do, how the EU behaves towards BRICS and new elections in the US, and of course to see when and how to speed up the process of admission of Western Balkan countries to the EU,“ Branković said.

He added that the current EU Chairman, the Prime Minister of Hungary, had a very noticeable statement in parliament a few days ago, openly saying that the process must be expedited and that nothing can be done if Serbia, which is one of the most serious candidates and the most important country in the region, is not admitted to the EU as soon as possible.

As he believes, new provocations would not be favorable for Pristina at this time because they have now opened the door for Serbian goods, and then for passports under Western intervention, primarily Germans.

„They are slowly opening up in some small places, in order to once again try to join the Council of Europe. Especially since there is a request from a certain number of Western countries for a real representative from Pristina to come to CEFTA,“ Branković said.

BRICS summit and US elections

However, he emphasizes that the EU is currently faced with two extremely important events, the BRICS summit and the US elections, which it must address, so he believes that the issue of enlargement and the relationship between Belgrade and Pristina will be sidelined.

„The question arises of how many new countries will be admitted to the BRICS summit. Last time in South Africa, six countries were admitted, the Argentinians withdrew. It should not be forgotten that 42 countries are waiting, they have submitted requests for it. The issue of Turkey is extremely important, it is a NATO member, and the Turkish President will go to the summit and has said that he may submit a request. This is, among other things, because Turkey has been at the doors of the EU for 35 years or more, and they do not lift a finger,“ Branković noted.

He also believes that it is very important to see how the EU emerges from the Berlin Process and what that means in EU-BRICS relations, not just the European Union, but the entire West.

„Taking into account the fact that practically the entire West, with its policy, with very bad policy by imposing sanctions, has practically shot itself in the foot with Ukraine,“ said Branković.

He points out that Ukraine is unsolvable for the West in the way they want, which is for Ukraine to defeat Russia.

„There is also the Middle East. The Middle East is open as a hotspot, precisely because the West has no progress in Ukraine, nor can it. But as I always say, great powers, in one way or another, never close crisis hotspots, but open crisis hotspots when they need to,“ Branković believes.

He also believes that the West opened a conflict in the Middle East to cover up the failure in Ukraine, and also reminds that the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, said that BRICS is creating a new international order based on international law.

Regarding the US elections, Branković says that everyone is waiting to see who will win and what kind of relationship they will have with this new world order that is emerging.

„The US were main after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they are no longer, and cannot be, important, as Ukraine has shown. On the other hand, it is important what kind of relationship they will have with Europe and with BRICS,“ Branković concluded.

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