Crnomorski delfini na ivici izumiranja

Vuk Jovanović avatar

Situation with dolphins in the Black Sea is critical, as they are facing extinction, said biologist and researcher at the Russian research station Vjazemski Karadag in Crimea, Irina Logominova.

She stated that the Azov dolphin and the Black Sea common dolphin are nearly extinct in the Black Sea, and these species are on the brink of extinction, TASS reports.
According to Logominova, dolphin hunting is now banned, but hunting in the 1930s to 50s heavily impacted their population and brought them to the brink of disappearance, Tanjug reports.
In Russia, the Azov dolphin and the Black Sea common dolphin have been listed as endangered species.

The Black Sea is home to a variety of marine life, including dolphins, but the population of certain species, such as the Azov dolphin and the Black Sea common dolphin, has been in decline for years. Environmental pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction are some of the factors contributing to their dwindling numbers.
Logominova emphasized the urgency of protecting these dolphin species and taking concrete steps to ensure their survival. She stressed the importance of conservation efforts, such as establishing marine protected areas, enforcing strict fishing regulations, and raising awareness about the plight of these animals.
International cooperation is also crucial in addressing the conservation challenges facing the Black Sea dolphins. Collaborative efforts between countries bordering the Black Sea, as well as partnerships with international organizations, can help strengthen conservation measures and promote the sustainable management of marine resources.
Despite the challenges facing the Black Sea dolphins, there is still hope for their survival. Through dedicated conservation efforts and collective action, it is possible to reverse the decline in dolphin populations and ensure that these magnificent marine mammals continue to thrive in their natural habitat.
With the right measures in place, the Black Sea dolphins can be safeguarded for future generations to enjoy and appreciate. The time to act is now to protect these iconic species and preserve the rich biodiversity of the Black Sea for years to come.

Vuk Jovanović avatar

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