Izbori u Srbiji bili slobodni i pošteni, brinu me nepromišljene izjave Grošelja

Živana Tasić avatar

Dejan Kaloh, a member of the Slovenian parliament, who was in an observer mission from the OSCE during the elections held in Serbia on December 17, said that the elections were free and fair, but he was concerned about the thoughtless statements of European parliamentarian Klemen Groselj from Slovenia. He stated that it was on the edge of an international incident.

In a letter delivered to the media, Kaloh, a member of the Slovenian Democratic Party, emphasized that Groselj, „fortunately, only has a few more months left of his not very successful term in the European Parliament“.

Kaloh explained that as the only member of the Slovenian parliament, under the auspices of the OSCE, he participated in an international observer mission for the parliamentary elections in Serbia. On the day of the elections, together with a Belgian parliamentarian, he visited 10 polling stations in the center of Belgrade, Savski venac, Zemun, and Batajnica between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.

„As a responsible international observer, I must positively assess the parliamentary elections in Serbia, which I can only describe as free and fair. The electoral process proceeded smoothly and without any problems at each polling station. The heads of the election headquarters were correct and always available for explanations. Representatives of non-governmental organizations were also seen at the polling stations, performing their observer duties unhindered. Different political parties comprised the electoral boards at each polling station, and the work proceeded smoothly and without any specific issues,“ wrote Kaloh.

At the same time, he wished the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, all the best because he is successfully and efficiently leading Serbia.

Živana Tasić avatar

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