Nove cene goriva

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Nove administrativne cene goriva objavljene su za narednih sedam dana, pri čemu će vozači morati platiti 189 dinara za benzin i 201 dinar za dizel. Ove cene će ostati na snazi do petka, 21. juna, pri čemu je cena dizela skuplja za dva dinara u odnosu na prethodnu nedelju, dok je cena benzina ostala ista.

Prema podacima sa berzi, cena sirove nafte je pala na 78,187 dolara, dok je cena nafte Brent iznosila 82,442 dolara. Evropski fjučersi gasa prodavani su po ceni od 35,585 evra za megavat-sat na otvaranju berze TTF.

U Srbiji, maloprodajne cene goriva na pumpama određene su prema Uredbi o ograničenju cena goriva, koja je doneta u februaru 2022. godine. Važnost ove uredbe se produžava svakog meseca, a trenutno važi do kraja juna. Prema ovoj uredbi, cena derivata formira se na osnovu srednje veleprodajne cene utvrđene od strane Ministarstva energetike i rudarstva, koja se zasniva na prosečnoj veleprodajnoj ceni u Srbiji, uz dodatak odobrene maloprodajne marže i PDV-a.

Pri formiranju veleprodajne cene nije uključena fabrička cena domaće rafinerije, već se uzima prosek kotacija cena određenog goriva na berzi za tržište Mediterana (PLATTS CIF Mediteran, za luku u Đenovi/Lavera).

Citizens in Serbia will pay 189 dinars for petrol and 201 dinars for diesel in the following seven days due to the newly published administrative fuel prices. These prices will remain in effect until Friday, June 21st. Diesel is now two dinars more expensive compared to last week, while the price of petrol has remained constant.

According to stock market data, the price of crude oil has dropped to 78.187 dollars, while Brent oil is priced at 82.442 dollars. European gas futures were sold at a rate of 35.585 euros per megawatt-hour at the opening of the TTF exchange.

In Serbia, retail fuel prices at gas stations are determined by the Regulation on Fuel Price Limits, which was enacted in February 2022. The validity of this regulation is extended every month, and it is currently valid until the end of June. According to this regulation, the price of fuel derivatives is based on the average wholesale price established by the Ministry of Energy and Mining, which is determined by the average wholesale price in Serbia, plus an approved retail margin and VAT.

When calculating the wholesale price, the factory price of the domestic refinery is not taken into account, but rather the average quotations for a specific fuel on the Mediterranean market (PLATTS CIF Mediterranean, for the port of Genoa/La Spezia).

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