Počela sednica skupštine za izbor nove vlade Severne Makedonije

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Ekonomski napredak, povećanje penzija i plaća, ulaganja u obrazovanje, zdravstvo i kulturu, borba protiv korupcije, odgovornost za svaki zločin i reforme po evropskim standardima su deo programa Hristijana Mickoskog, mandatara i premijera nove vlade Severne Makedonije iz stranke VMRO-DPMNE.

Mickoski je najavio ulaganje od 400 miliona evra već za utorak, nakon čega će uslediti smanjenje poreza i povećanje penzija. Sednici parlamenta prisustvuju predsednica Severne Makedonije Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova i predstavnici diplomatskog kora.

Prema skupštinskom Poslovniku, sednica je predviđena da traje najviše dva dana i da se završi sutra u ponoć. Vlada će biti izabrana ukoliko većina poslanika glasa za nju. Nova vlada imaće ukupno 20 ministarstava, četiri više nego do sada. U kabinetu će biti 24 člana, uključujući premijera i 23 potpredsednika Vlade i ministara, od kojih 20 ima resore.

U kabinetu Mickoskog 15 članova je iz koalicije predvođene VMRO-DPMNE, šest iz Vredi koalicije i dva iz ZNAM-a. Ljupčo Dimovski, predsednik Socijalističke partije, biće predložen za zamenika predsednika vlade odgovornog za politički sistem, dok će Ivan Stoilković (iz Demokratske partije Srba u Makedoniji) biti predložen za zamenika predsednika vlade i ministra za odnose sa zajednicama.

Mickoski je predsednik stranke VMRO-DPMNE koja je pobedila na parlamentarnim izborima u maju sa 43,14% glasova.

Nova vlada Severne Makedonije under the leadership Hristijana Mickoskog, VMRO-DPMNE’s mandate and prime ministership, aims at economic progress, pension and salary increases, investments in education, healthcare and culture, fight against corruption, accountability for every crime and reforms according to European standards.

Mickoski has announced an investment of 400 million euros for Tuesday, followed by tax reduction and pension increases. The parliament session is attended by the President of North Macedonia Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and representatives of the diplomatic corps.

According to the parliamentary rules of procedure, the session is expected to last no more than two days and end tomorrow at midnight. The government will be elected if the majority of MPs vote for it. The new government will have a total of 20 ministries, four more than before. The cabinet will consist of 24 members, including the prime minister and 23 deputy prime ministers and ministers, of which 20 have specific portfolios.

In Mickoski’s cabinet, 15 members are from the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE, six from the Vredi coalition, and two from ZNAM. Ljupčo Dimovski, president of the Socialist Party, will be proposed as deputy prime minister responsible for the political system, while Ivan Stoilković (from the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia) will be proposed as deputy prime minister and minister for community relations.

Mickoski is president of the VMRO-DPMNE party, which won the parliamentary elections in May with 43.14% of the votes.

The new government of North Macedonia, under the leadership of Hristijan Mickoski from VMRO-DPMNE, is focused on improving the economy, increasing pensions and salaries, investing in education, healthcare, and culture, fighting corruption, ensuring accountability for all crimes, and implementing reforms according to European standards.

Mickoski has announced an investment of 400 million euros to be made by Tuesday, followed by plans for tax reductions and higher pension payments. The parliament session, attended by President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and members of the diplomatic corps, is set to last a maximum of two days and must conclude by midnight tomorrow.

The new government will include a total of 20 ministries, four more than in the previous administration. The cabinet will consist of 24 members, including the prime minister, 23 deputy prime ministers, and ministers, with 20 assigned specific portfolios.

Mickoski’s cabinet will feature 15 members from the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE, six from the Vredi coalition, and two from ZNAM. Ljupčo Dimovski, president of the Socialist Party, is slated to become deputy prime minister responsible for the political system, while Ivan Stoilković, from the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia, will serve as deputy prime minister and minister for community relations.

Mickoski, as the president of the VMRO-DPMNE party, secured a victory in the parliamentary elections in May with 43.14% of the popular vote.

The new government aims to implement a comprehensive agenda focused on economic development, pension and wage increases, investments in education, health, and culture, anti-corruption measures, and European-standard reforms. Mickoski’s leadership promises a new chapter for North Macedonia, with a focus on prosperity, accountability, and progress.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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