Šabac: Suša smanjuje prinose kukuruza

Bojan Đorđević avatar

Svetlana Zlatarić, a consultant from the Agricultural Extension and Advisory Service (PSSS) in Šabac, stated today that due to a long dry period, corn yields will be reduced, and the assessment of damage will depend on the hybrid variety, planting time, and the part of Serbia where the corn is planted.

According to her, corn is a very economical plant and uses water very rationally, but this year there is a noticeable lack of precipitation.

„At this moment, this lack is most felt by hybrids from the later ripening group that were planted later. Of course, we always emphasize full agrotechnics. Precipitation was not evenly distributed during the vegetation, so there is a diverse situation in the field. Hybrids from the earlier ripening group better tolerate the lack of precipitation. They have already passed from the milky ripeness to the grain filling phase, so we can talk about a smaller reduction in yield, while for hybrids from the later ripening group, the precipitation came late,“ Zlatarić told Tanjug.

She added that attacks by insects are also noticeable, which have opened the way for disease entry.

„The most damage will be suffered by soybeans because there was a lack of rainfall during pollination and flowering,“ Zlatarić said.

The dry period has raised concerns among farmers in the Šabac area, as reduced corn yields can have a negative impact on their income. It is important for farmers to be proactive in managing their crops and implementing proper agrotechnical practices to minimize the impact of the dry period on their crops. The PSSS in Šabac is working with farmers to provide them with advice and support to help them navigate through this challenging period.

In conclusion, the dry period in the Šabac area is expected to result in reduced corn yields, with the extent of the damage depending on various factors such as the hybrid variety, planting time, and location. Farmers are advised to take proactive measures to mitigate the impact of the dry period on their crops and seek support from agricultural experts to help them navigate through this challenging period.

Bojan Đorđević avatar

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