Sezona požara u jeku, najčešći uzrok ljudski faktor, građani da budu odgovorni

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Beograd – Đorđe Radulović from the Sector for Emergency Situations of the Serbian Ministry of Interior stated today that the fire season is currently in full swing due to high temperatures, citing human factors as the most common cause of fires.

He emphasized to Tanjug that it is necessary for people to behave responsibly in nature and know how to use open flames because there is a lot of flammable material in forest complexes and because wind contributes to the spread of fires.

„Burning garbage, plant residues is prohibited, and according to the Fire Protection Law, it is punishable. For individuals, the penalty is from 10 to 50 thousand dinars, and for legal entities from 300,000 to one million dinars. It is forbidden to make fires in the forest and within 200 meters on the edge of the forest. They can only light a barbecue in designated areas,“ Radulović said.

The complete content of the news is available to users of Tanjug services.

With the onset of the summer months and the increasing temperatures, the risk of wildfires in Serbia is a significant concern for authorities. The combination of dry vegetation, windy conditions, and human activities can lead to devastating fires that pose a threat to both property and lives.

Authorities are urging the public to be vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent wildfires. This includes refraining from activities such as burning trash or debris outdoors, using caution when handling open flames, and adhering to regulations on fire safety in forested areas.

In addition to the risk of wildfires, the smoke and air pollution resulting from these fires can also have adverse effects on public health. It is essential for individuals to be aware of the risks associated with wildfires and take steps to protect themselves and their communities.

The efforts of emergency services and fire brigades are crucial in responding to wildfires and preventing them from spreading. Coordination and cooperation among different agencies are essential in effectively managing and extinguishing wildfires to minimize their impact on the environment and communities.

As the fire season continues, it is vital for everyone to do their part in fire prevention and safety measures. By following guidelines and regulations, practicing responsible behavior in nature, and reporting any suspicious activities that could lead to fires, individuals can help ensure the preservation of forests and the protection of lives and property.

In the face of a challenging fire season, education, awareness, and preparedness are key to reducing the risk of wildfires and mitigating their impacts. With the collective efforts of authorities, emergency services, and the public, Serbia can work towards a safer and more resilient environment in the face of natural disasters.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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