U toku je izborna tišina, sve je spremno za glasanje u nedelju

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Sve je spremno za izbore u Beogradu, rekao je predsednik Republičke izborne komisije Vladimir Dimitrijević. Predizborna tišina traje do nedelje u 20 sati, i tokom nje se ne smeju objavljivati procene rezultata izbora, promovirati kandidati i njihovi programi u medijima, uključujući i online portale registrovane kao mediji.

Birački odbori su dobili rok do danas za preuzimanje izbornog materijala, svi su spremni za izbore koji će se održati na 8.273 biračka mesta. Postoji i 29 biračkih mesta u zavodima za izvršenje krivičnih sankcija, te 81 biračko mesto u inostranstvu, što je rekordni broj država u kojima će se glasati.

U četiri zemlje, Velika Britanija, Portugal, SAD i Kanada, glasanje će se održati sutra, a u ostalim zemljama u nedelju. Rezultati glasanja u tim zemljama neće se saopštavati do zatvaranja biračkih mesta u Srbiji. Osobe s invaliditetom ili teškim bolestima mogu se prijaviti za mogućnost glasanja, a izbori će biti nadzirani od 5.587 domaćih i stranih posmatrača, uključujući i devet domaćih i 25 stranih udruženja posmatrača. Predstavnici svih parlamentarnih stranaka i izbornih lista prisutni su u Republičkoj izbornoj komisiji.

Rok za proglašenje konačnih rezultata parlamentarnih izbora je 96 sati od poslednjeg dobijenog zbirnog rezultata, a rok za formiranje Narodne skupštine je 30 dana od objavljivanja konačnih rezultata, dok je rok za formiranje nove vlade 90 dana od formiranja Narodne skupštine.

Beograd is a city full of history and culture. It is the capital and largest city of Serbia, and it has been the center of political and cultural life for centuries. The city is home to numerous national museums, galleries, and theaters. The city’s historical core, known as Kalemegdan, is located in the city’s center along the right banks of both the Danube and the Sava. Beograd is known for its coffee culture and night life, and it offers one of the best views of the confluence of the two historical rivers.

Beograd is a significant economic center in the region, and it hosts numerous reputable international companies and organizations. The city also has a great number of popular tourist attractions, such as the Belgrade Fortress, Skadarlija, Knez Mihailova Street, the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, and many others. It is the city where Eastern and Western culture collide and harmonize, and it is a place rich in history and tradition.

The city of Beograd has a rich cultural life with its theaters, museums, and art galleries. This vibrant city also offers a wide variety of music, dance, film, and theater. Beograd’s Nardona Opera and Belgrade Philharmonic have created a beautiful reputation for themselves in Europe. They are known for high quality performances and bring in diverse audiences. The city is home to several universities and colleges, including The University of Belgrade, which is considered one of the oldest and largest universities in Serbia. The city of Belgrade combines its rich heritage and warm Serbian hospitality to create a unique travel experience.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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