Berba malina počinje za manje od mesec dana

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Berba malina počinje za manje od mesec dana, ali proizvođači se suočavaju sa manjim rodovima nego što su očekivali. U ivanjičkim malinjacima, prema rečima predsednika Asocijacije malinara Srbije Dobrivoja Radovića, rod je manji od 40 do 70 odsto u poređenju sa prethodnim godinama.

Problem je nastao zbog mraza koji se desio u aprilu i jakog vetra, što je dovelo do smrzavanja ploda i smanjenja prinosa. Radović ističe da se već prvo i polovinu drugog branja već završilo, što znači da će ove godine biti manje malina za berbu. Očekuje se da cena maline bude oko 400 dinara po kilogramu, sa tendencijom rasta. Situacija je složena ne samo u Ivanjici, već u celoj Srbiji.

Penzioner iz Ivanjice, Dragojle Jovančić, koji ima 30 ari pod malinom, očekivao je rod od 45 do 50 tovara, ali zbog nepovoljnih vremenskih uslova ta prognoza se neće ostvariti. On ističe da čak i sa 1.000 kilograma malina bude zadovoljan, ali da će cena morati biti oko 350 do 400 dinara da bi pokrio troškove.

Malinari planiraju sastanke sa ministrom poljoprivrede i drugim nadležnim institucijama kako bi rešili probleme sa manjim rodovima i cenama malina. Situation seems to be complicated and the raspberry harvest is expected to be lower this year.

Raspberry harvest is starting in less than a month, but as the producers say, this season the yield is lower despite all necessary agritechnical measures being applied. According to the president of the Serbian Raspberry Association, Dobrivoje Radović, the yield in Ivanić raspberry fields is between 40 to 70 percent lower.

Due to the frost that occurred in April and strong winds, the fruits froze, causing a decrease in production. Radović mentioned that the first and half of the second harvest have already been completed this year, resulting in a lower raspberry yield. The expected price of raspberries this year is around 400 dinars per kilogram, with a tendency to increase. The situation is complex not only in Ivanjica but in the whole of Serbia.

Dragojle Jovančić, a pensioner from Ivanjica who owns 30 acres of raspberry fields, expected a yield of 45 to 50 tons, but due to unfavorable weather conditions, this season will be far less. He said that even if he has 1,000 kilograms of raspberries this year, he will be satisfied. However, the price needs to be around 350 to 400 dinars to cover the costs.

Raspberry growers are expecting meetings with the Minister of Agriculture and other competent institutions to solve the problems of lower yields and prices of raspberries.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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