Biće održani po zakonu izmenjenom na Šmitov zahtev

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held on Sunday, October 6, decided the Central Election Commission of BiH unanimously today.

According to the CEC of BiH, this year’s elections will be held under the amended Electoral Act of BiH, which was changed by the imposed decisions of Christian Schmidt, whom the Republic of Srpska does not recognize as the High Representative.

The total number of citizens in BiH who have the right to vote is 3,406,088.

These local elections are of great importance for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina as they will determine the new leadership of municipalities and cities across the country. Citizens will have the opportunity to vote for candidates who they believe will best represent their interests and work towards improving the quality of life in their communities.

The election process in Bosnia and Herzegovina is unique as it involves multiple levels of government, including the state level, entity level, and municipal level. This complex system of governance requires coordination and cooperation between different levels of government to ensure the smooth functioning of the country.

The amended Electoral Act of BiH aims to improve the transparency and efficiency of the electoral process by introducing new regulations and procedures. This includes the use of new technology for voter registration and counting of votes, as well as increased oversight by international observers to ensure that the elections are conducted in a free and fair manner.

There are a total of 3,406,088 registered voters in BiH who will have the opportunity to cast their ballots in the upcoming local elections. This includes citizens from all ethnic groups and communities living in the country, who will have the chance to exercise their democratic right to vote for their preferred candidates.

The elections will be closely watched by the international community, with organizations such as the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) sending observers to monitor the electoral process. This external oversight is crucial in ensuring that the elections are conducted in accordance with international standards and that the results reflect the will of the people.

One of the key issues in these local elections is the question of political representation and the role of different ethnic groups in the governance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country’s complex ethnic and political landscape has often been a source of tension and conflict, and the outcome of the elections will have a significant impact on the future of the country.

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for political reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with calls for greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency in government. The upcoming local elections will be an opportunity for citizens to express their views on these issues and to choose candidates who will work towards addressing their concerns.

The participation of citizens in the electoral process is crucial in shaping the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ensuring that the country remains stable and prosperous. By casting their votes in the upcoming local elections, citizens will have the opportunity to influence the direction of their communities and contribute to the overall development of the country.

As the date of the local elections approaches, political parties and candidates are gearing up for a competitive campaign to win the support of voters. This includes organizing rallies, debates, and other events to present their platforms and convince citizens to vote for them on election day.

Overall, the upcoming local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina are a crucial moment for the country as it seeks to move forward and address the challenges it faces. By participating in the electoral process, citizens will have the opportunity to shape the future of their communities and contribute to a more stable and prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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