Crna Gora i Srbija zajednički pred EU za prugu Beogard-Bar

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Ministar građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture Srbije Goran Vesić i ministarka saobraćaja Crne Gore Maja Vukićević potpisali su danas zajedničko pismo Evropskoj komisiji o pruzi Beograd-Bar. Vesić je istaknuo važnost regionalne suradnje, posebno sa Crnom Gorom, te su zajedno odlučili zatražiti sredstva iz dodatnog fonda za razvoj Zapadnog Balkana za obnovu pruge između Beograda i Bara.

Prema Vesiću, ova pruga je prioritet za Srbiju, a potom slijedi pruga između Brestovca i Preševa do Skoplja. On je naglasio da je važno da Srbija i Crna Gora surađuju na infrastrukturnim projektima te da zajednički nastupaju kako bi pokazali da je ovo prioritet za obje države. Pruga Beograd-Bar trenutno je jedna od najzahtjevnijih pruga u Europi.

Vesić je također razgovarao o završetku izgradnje autoputa Beograd-Južni Jadran s potpredsjednikom Vlade Crne Gore Milunom Zogovićem i ministarkom saobraćaja Majom Vukićević. Cilj je pronaći partnera koji bi gradio srpskih 108 kilometara i crnogorskih 50 kilometara autoputa. Slično se radi i sa Vladom Severne Makedonije. Vesić je uvjeren da će ovo dati dodatni poticaj izgradnji autoputa koji je važan za obje zemlje.

Također je bilo riječi o Kontroli letenja Srbije i Crne Gore SMATS-u te o potrebi promjene osnivačkog akta te zajedničke kompanije. Vesić je najavio otvorenost za suradnju po pitanju zajedničkih graničnih prijelaza kako bi se skratila čekanja i omogućilo brže funkcioniranje puteva. Ministarka saobraćaja Crne Gore Maja Vukićević istaknula je da je ovo prvi od mnogih sastanaka koji će se održati te je najavila konkretne akcije kako bi građani obje zemlje uskoro dobili dobre vijesti. Razgovarali su o projektu autoputa Beograd-Bar koji treba bolje povezati zemlje, kao i o rekonstrukciji pruge Bar-Beograd.

Suradnja između Srbije i Crne Gore bit će intenzivirana u budućnosti kako bi odnosi između vlada dviju zemalja bili sve bolji. Together, they decided to seek funding from the additional fund for the development of the Western Balkans for the reconstruction of the railway between Belgrade and Bar. Vesić emphasized the importance of regional cooperation, especially with Montenegro, and together they decided to request funds from the additional fund for the development of the Western Balkans for the reconstruction of the railway between Belgrade and Bar.

According to Vesić, this railway is a priority for Serbia, followed by the railway between Brestovac and Preševo to Skopje. He emphasized that it is important for Serbia and Montenegro to cooperate on infrastructure projects and to jointly demonstrate that this is a priority for both countries. The Belgrade-Bar railway is currently one of the most demanding railways in Europe.

Vesić also discussed the completion of the construction of the Belgrade-South Adriatic highway with Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro Milun Zogović and Minister of Transport Maja Vukićević. The goal is to find a partner who would build the 108 kilometers of Serbian and 50 kilometers of Montenegrin highway. The same is being done with the Government of North Macedonia. Vesić is confident that this will give an additional boost to the construction of the highway that is important for both countries.

There was also talk of the Air Traffic Control of Serbia and Montenegro SMATS and the need to change the founding act of the joint company. Vesić announced openness to cooperation on joint border crossings to shorten waiting times and enable faster functioning of roads. Minister of Transport of Montenegro Maja Vukićević emphasized that this is the first of many meetings to be held and announced concrete actions to bring good news to the citizens of both countries soon. They discussed the Belgrade-Bar highway project, which should better connect the countries, as well as the reconstruction of the Bar-Belgrade railway.

Cooperation between Serbia and Montenegro will be intensified in the future to improve relations between the two governments.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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