Dogodilo se na današnji datum, 13. april

Vuk Jovanović avatar

Today is Saturday, April 13, 2024, the 104th day of the year. There are 262 days left until the end of the year. In history, on this day: in 1519, French queen of Italian origin Catherine de Medici was born, later ruling France as regent to her sons François II, Charles IX, and Henry III. During her reign, there was a religious-civil war between Catholics and Huguenots, which she significantly contributed to. With the support of Pope Gregory XIII, she organized the massacre of the Huguenots in 1572, known as the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. In 1598, French king Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes, granting Huguenots equal rights with Catholics. In 1605, Russian tsar Boris Godunov died, who came to the throne in 1598 after the death of Fyodor I. In 1832, Serbian painter Stevan Todorović was born, a member of the Serbian Royal Academy and known for his portraits. In 1848, Sicily declared independence from the Kingdom of Naples. In 1869, the first issue of the Serbian newspaper „Pančevac“ was published. In 1885, Hungarian philosopher Georg Lukács was born. In 1904, Russian painter Vasily Vereshchagin died. In 1906, Irish writer Samuel Beckett was born, known for his play „Waiting for Godot“. In 1919, British troops massacred 380 Indians in Amritsar. In 1922, Julius Nyerere, the first president of Tanzania, was born. In 1922, English writer John Braine was born. In 1963, Russian grandmaster Garry Kasparov was born. In 1964, African-American actor Sidney Poitier won an Oscar for his role in the film „Lilies of the Field“. In 1976, 45 people were killed in an explosion at an ammunition factory in Finland. In 1999, NATO airstrikes damaged the „Yugoslavia“ ground satellite station in Serbia. In 2001, 17 Croatian police officers in Bosnia-Herzegovina were suspended for not recognizing the authorities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2003, American soldiers entered Tikrit, the hometown of the ousted Iraqi…

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