Grad koji je bio svjetski centar razvrata danas je samo ruševina

Vuk Jovanović avatar

Port Rojal u 17. vijeku bio je neformalni glavni grad svih pirata koji su djelovali na Karibima. Razvrat, alkohol i rasipništvo bili su glavne odlike mornara kada su sišli na kopno, a Port Rojal postao je nadaleko poznat kao njihovo glavno okupljalište.

Grad na Jamajki, osnovan 1494. godine pod španskom vlašću, doživio je punu slavu pod engleskom upravom od 1655. godine. U to vrijeme, pirati su napadali i pljačkali španske brodove, a Port Rojal postao je sigurna luka za morske pljačkaše. Gradom koji je formalno bio pod engleskom upravom zapravo su vladali pirati, među kojima su bili i oni najzloglasniji poput Henrija Morgana, Kaliko Džeka, Ane Boni i Edvard „Crnobradi“ Tič.

U svojim slavnim danima, Port Rojal se razvio u jedan od najvećih gradova pod engleskom vlašću, s bordelima i tavernama kao prepoznatljivostima. Rastrošniji pirati trošili su više novca na piće i žene u jednoj večeri nego što bi radnik zaradio na plantaži tijekom cijele godine. Glavno piće u gradu bio je rum s izuzetno visokim postotkom alkohola, od kojeg su mnogi umrli zbog trovanja.

No, slavnu povijest Port Rojala prekinuo je zemljotres jačine pet stupnjeva po Rihteru koji je zahvatio grad 7. lipnja. Za nekoliko sati nestao je skoro cijeli grad, srušile su se četiri od pet tvrđava koje su izgradili Britanci, a petina stanovništva poginula je u tom jednom danu. Nekoliko godina kasnije, grad je zadesio i veliki požar. Danas je Port Rojal malo priobalno selo i nema nikakve sličnosti s gradom grijeha kakav je nekada bio.

TRANSLATION: If you thought that the movie „Pirates of the Caribbean“ was inspired by fiction, the story of this town will persuade you otherwise. In the 17th century, Port Royal served as the informal capital of all the pirates who operated in the Caribbean. Since debauchery, alcohol, and debauchery are the main characteristics of sailors when they go ashore, Port Royal, as their main gathering place, became known far and wide precisely because of that.

The city in Jamaica, founded by the Spaniards in 1494, reached its full glory under English rule from 1655. In the name of the English king, pirates attacked and plundered Spanish ships, and Port Royal became a safe haven for sea raiders. A city that was formally under English rule was actually ruled by pirates, among whom were the most infamous such as Henry Morgan, Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, and Edward „Blackbeard“ Teach.

In its heyday, Port Royal developed into one of the largest cities under English rule, with bordellos and taverns as its distinctive features. The more extravagant pirates would spend more money on drinks and women in one evening than a worker would earn on a plantation in a whole year. The main drink in the city was rum with an extremely high alcohol content, from which many died of poisoning.

But the glorious history of Port Royal was interrupted by an earthquake measuring five on the Richter scale that struck the city on June 7. In a matter of hours, almost the entire city disappeared, four out of five forts built by the British collapsed, and a fifth of the population died in that one day. A few years later, the city was hit by a great fire. Today, Port Royal is a small coastal village and bears no resemblance to the sinful city it once was.

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