Kada kažem da Beograd treba da ima srpsku vlast, svi oni poskaču

Živana Tasić avatar

„Šapić: Beograd treba da ima srpskog gradonačelnika koji čuva srpske interese“

U današnjem turbulentnom vremenu, sa svetom suočenim sa brojnim izazovima, važno je da grad Beograd ima srpskog gradonačelnika koji će se zalagati za očuvanje srpskih nacionalnih interesa. To je istakao Aleksandar Šapić, predsednik Privremenog organa grada Beograda.

„Kada kažem da Beograd treba da ima srpsku vlast, svi se bune. Šta drugo da kažem? Da treba da ima tursku vlast? Beograd mora imati srpskog gradonačelnika koji će čvrsto štititi srpske interese“, rekao je Šapić u objavi Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) na Instagramu.

Dodao je da je važno da gradonačelnik osudi izjave koje promovišu antisrpsku i proustašku politiku, kao što su nedavne izjave iz Dubrovnika.

„Ova situacija najbolje pokazuje razliku između srpskog i antisrpskog gradonačelnika o kojem sam ranije govorio. Gradonačelnik mora osuditi svaki antisrpski stav, a ne podržavati i braniti proustaške stavove kao što to radi Marinka Tepić u ime Đilasove liste“, naglasio je.

Istakao je da će štititi sve građane, bez obzira na nacionalnu ili versku pripadnost, dokle god se ne ugrožava ustavno-pravni poredak države.

„Ali neću braniti one koji urušavaju naš ustavni poredak, veličaju zlikovce i promovišu secesionističku politiku“, rekao je Šapić.

Šapić je podigao prašinu svojim izjavama o potrebi da Beograd ima srpskog gradonačelnika koji će se zalažu za srpske interese. Njegove reči su izazvale brojne reakcije u javnosti, ali on je odlučan u svom stavu da je važno da gradonačelnik čuva i štiti srpske nacionalne interese.


Tremendous concern has been voiced by the Serbian Progressive Party over the need for Belgrade to have a Serbian mayor who will defend Serbia’s national interests and not allow anyone to promote secessionist or anti-Serbian policies. This was stated by the President of the Temporary Organ of the City of Belgrade, Aleksandar Šapić.

„When I say that Belgrade should have a Serbian government, everyone jumps up. What else should I say? That it should have a Turkish government? Belgrade must have a Serbian mayor determined to preserve and protect Serbian interests,“ he said, as reported by the Serbian Progressive Party on Instagram.

He added that if someone is not willing to condemn the statements made in Dubrovnik, which directly represent anti-Serbian and pro-Ustasha politics, then how will they be ready to lead Belgrade.

„I think this situation best explains the difference between a Serbian and anti-Serbian mayor I spoke about earlier. When people didn’t understand what I meant by saying that Belgrade needs a ‘Serbian mayor’, now they understand. The mayor must condemn every anti-Serbian stance, not remain silent or, as Marinka Tepić does on behalf of the Đilas list, support and defend the pro-Ustasha views of Dinko Gruhonjić, which are not new at all, the wide masses of people are only now seeing them,“ emphasized Šapić.

He stated that he will defend every Croat, and every member of an Islamic or any other religion in Belgrade, if a hair falls from their head, just because they do not belong to the Serbian people or have a different religion.


„But I will certainly not defend those who consciously and constantly undermine the constitutional order of our country, who glorify infamous criminals, and who directly promote secessionist policies,“ said Šapić.

Šapić has caused a stir with his statements about the need for Belgrade to have a Serbian mayor who will advocate for Serbian interests. His words have sparked numerous reactions in the public, but he is resolute in his stance that it is important for the mayor to protect and defend Serbian national interests.

Živana Tasić avatar

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