Laguna sutra objavljuje knjigu o Gorici Nešović

Radmila Marićić avatar

Gorica Nešović and Jelica Greganović have been friends for over four decades. Death physically interrupted this female friendship, but it can never die.

This is proven by the fact that tomorrow a book „Our Stories“ will be published, which is a continuation of „Stories with no End“ by authors Jelica Greganović and Gorica Nešović.

Greganović recalled that they published the book „Stories with no End“ for their own souls or, as Nešović said, „as a substitute for a scrapbook,“ and they were amazed when the book went through numerous reprints and two new, expanded editions.

They delayed the continuation due to other life obligations, only to be followed by Nešović’s death, and Greganović wrote that „unexpectedly came sadness, indescribable, wider than all seas and skies infinite.“

– Precisely because of her, in defiance for her to know that she can’t put a period on our story either, this book was finally made – Greganović stated. Reminding of the thought of the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov that manuscripts do not burn, Greganović added that „just like that, those we love do not die and we will love them as long as we exist and the story is within us“.

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