Milorad Antić: Najpopularnije su škole koje nude dobru praktičnu nastavu

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Milorad Antić from the Forum of Vocational High Schools said today that this year, eighth graders were most interested in enrolling in the Aeronautical Academy, medical school, as well as schools for hospitality and tourism, which are popular due to good practical training and the development of tourism in Serbia.

Antić told Tanjug that this year’s most popular high schools are the Aeronautical Academy in Belgrade, the tourism school in New Belgrade, medical schools in Belgrade, Vranje, Kragujevac, Ćuprija, and Sremska Mitrovica.

„The reason for the popularity of the Aeronautical Academy is the good organization of the school, dominant practical training, as well as guaranteed employment in the country and abroad. The school is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and is known for its excellent organization and high level of practical training implementation,“ he said.

The complete news content is available to users of Tanjug services.

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