Naučnici pronašli žabu koja izgleda kao čudovište! Na boku joj izrastao „osmi putnik“, ovo nije nikada viđeno (FOTO)

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Istraživači su u Indiji pronašli žabu s gljivom na leđima. Ovo je prvi put da je zabeležen ovakav fenomen. Gljiva je identifikovana kao vrsta Mycena i uglavnom raste na trulom drvetu. Naučnici su primetili žabu sedu na grani i primetili su da gljiva ostaje na mestu kada se žaba pomera. Nisu je dirali kako bi ispitali uzrok ovog fenomena. Žaba je pronađena u junu 2023. i nije pokupljena, tako da se sudbina žabe ne zna. Postoje teorije o uzroku ovog stanja, ali bez daljnjeg proučavanja ne može se tačno odrediti šta se desilo._mentions that frog species is known as the Indian golden back frog (Hylarana intermedia) and is found in the south-western Indian states of Karnataka and Kerala. These frogs are small, reaching a length of only 7.4 centimeters. However, scientists later identified the fungus through photographs as a species of Mycena, a large genus of small saprotrophic fungi that mostly grows on decaying wood.

The scientists noticed the frog with the fungus on its back sitting on a branch, and when it changed its sitting positions, the fungus remained in place. The group did not disturb the frog. The amphibian was discovered in June 2023 and was not collected, so the cause of the phenomenon or the frog’s fate is unknown.

The prognosis for the frog with its fungal companion is unknown, but there are several theories about the cause of its condition. Although it is difficult to predict the frog’s fate without further study of its condition, it is possible that a healthy frog can tolerate colonization of its skin by this fungus without any harmful health consequences.

Fungal infections in frogs are quite common, but if the fungus were to „grow intensively on the skin or be implanted in the animal’s body, the animal could show symptoms of fungal disease.“ Additional research is needed to understand the impact of the fungus on the frog and how it managed to grow on its back without causing harm.

In conclusion, the discovery of the frog with a fungus growing on its back in India has left scientists puzzled and intrigued. This rare phenomenon raises questions about the relationship between fungi and amphibians and how they coexist in nature. Further research is needed to determine the cause of this condition and its potential impact on the frog’s health and survival.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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