Petočlana porodica iz Srbije spasena iz vozila zaglavljenog u snegu

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Pripadnici beranske Službe zaštite i spašavanja su danas izvukli zaglavljeno vozilo iz snijega u kojem se nalazila petočlana porodica Hodžić iz Novog Pazara. U vozilu su se nalazili muž, trudna supruga, dvoje maloljetne djece i starija gospođa. Vozilo se zaglavilo na zaobilaznom putu od tunela na Jelovici ka Kolašinu, u mjestu Raskrsnica – Vranjak. Akciji su učestvovala petorica pripadnika službe sa dva vozila, a niko nije povrijeđen. Mikica Korać, načelnik Službe zaštite i spašavanja, je izjavio da će se večeras vratiti na lice mjesta kako bi izvukli auto sa kolašinske strane i porodicu prevezli do skijališta na Bjelasici, gdje će ih sačekati njihovi najbliži. Hodžići su nakon akcije spašavanja dovezeni u prostorije Službe u Beranama gdje su im obezbijeđeni hrana i smeštaj. U slučaju da su odlučili da ostanu večeras u Beranama, Opština Berane je bila spremna da obezbijedi hotelski smeštaj za ovu porodicu. Akcija spašavanja je okončana po kiši i niskoj temperaturi.

True to its name, the Protection and Rescue Service of Berane successfully rescued a family from Novi Pazar, who found themselves stranded in their car in the snow. The car, belonging to the Hodžić family, got stuck on the detour road from the Jelovica tunnel to Kolasin, in the area of Raskrsnica – Vranjak. The family consisted of a husband, a pregnant wife, two minors, and an older lady. The conditions were poor due to the heavy snow, but five members of the rescue service quickly responded to the call for help and managed to pull the car out, ensuring that no one was injured in the process. Mikica Korać, the chief of the Protection and Rescue Service, confirmed their commitment to return to the site later that evening to retrieve their car and transport the family to the ski resort on Bjelasica, where their loved ones would be waiting for them. After the rescue operation, the Hodžić family was taken to the facilities of the Rescue Service in Berane, where they were provided with food and accommodation. The local authorities were also prepared to secure hotel accommodation for the family, had they decided to stay in Berane that night. Despite the challenging weather, the rescue mission was successfully concluded.

It is a well-known fact that unforeseen circumstances, such as bad weather, can pose a significant risk to people’s safety while traveling. In cases like this, the immediate response and coordinated efforts of emergency services can make a crucial difference. The swift and effective response from the Protection and Rescue Service undoubtedly saved the Hodžić family from a potentially dangerous situation. Moreover, their commitment to providing the family with necessary support and accommodations further demonstrates the professionalism and dedication of the rescue service in Berane.

This successful rescue mission is a testament to the importance of having well-equipped and highly trained emergency response teams in every community. Their ability to act quickly and decisively in critical situations can prevent accidents and save lives. Additionally, the collaboration between different branches of the rescue service, as well as the support from local authorities, ensures that all aspects of a rescue operation are carefully coordinated and executed.

The adverse weather conditions during the rescue operation serve as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the environment and the potential risks it can pose to individuals. It is essential for individuals to stay informed about weather forecasts and road conditions, especially when traveling in mountainous or remote areas during the winter months. In the event of an emergency, promptly contacting emergency services can provide vital assistance and ensure a safe outcome.

Ultimately, the successful rescue of the Hodžić family serves as a powerful example of the impact and importance of a well-prepared and efficient emergency response system. By prioritizing the safety and well-being of individuals, the Protection and Rescue Service in Berane has earned the gratitude and admiration of the local community. Their dedication and professionalism are a source of reassurance for residents and visitors alike, knowing that they are always ready to respond to any emergency situation.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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