Pozivam žene da prijave neadekvatne lekarske pristupe prema porodiljama

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Zoran Pašalić, the Protector of Citizens, called on all women who have faced inadequate medical care during childbirth in the last six months to contact the institution in order to determine responsibility for the negligent treatment of mothers in gynecological and obstetric health care facilities, whether it be verbal abuse or medical neglect.

„While the state fights for every child, as a society we are aging, and instead of being the carriers of that support and genuine concern for the lives of future mothers and their children, there are those who make childbirth more of an unpleasant experience than a natural act and one of the happiest moments in a woman’s life. This must be stopped, because because of individual cases, everyone pays the price, both patients and the medical profession,“ said Pašalić.

He reminded that the right to health is within the corpus of basic human rights, but that practice often shows the opposite.

The complete content is available to Tanjug’s service users.

The full text of the news is available to Tanjug’s service users

BEOGRAD – The Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, Zoran Pašalić, has called on all women who have faced inadequate medical treatment during childbirth in the last six months to contact that institution. The aim is to determine responsibility for the negligent treatment of mothers in gynecological-obstetric health care institutions, regardless of whether it is verbal abuse or medical neglect.

„Dok se država bori za svako dete, jer kao društvo starimo, postoje i oni koji umesto da budu nosioci te podrške i iskrene brige za život buduće majke i njenog deteta, čine da se porođaj pre doživljava kao neprijatno iskustvo nego kao prirodan čin i jedan od najradosnijih trenutaka u životu žene. Tome se mora stati na put, jer zbog pojedinačnih slučajeva svi plaćaju cenu, i pacijenti i medicinska struka“, rekao je Pašalić.

He emphasized how the state is fighting for every child, but there are those who instead of being the bearers of that support and genuine concern for the lives of future mothers and their children, make childbirth more of an unpleasant experience than a natural act and one of the happiest moments in a woman’s life. This must be stopped, because due to individual cases, everyone pays the price, both patients and the medical profession.

He reminded that the right to health is within the corpus of basic human rights, but that practice often shows the opposite.

The complete content is available to Tanjug’s service users.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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