Sajber napadi u energetici sve učestaliji, potrebno je posvetiti veću pažnju odbrani

Bojan Đorđević avatar

Cyber ​​attacks have become increasingly common and this type of crime has grown into a huge industry that can cause significant material and non-material damage, so companies must pay special attention to defense against digital crime, it was concluded at today’s meeting dedicated to security in the digital world.

„At the panel“ Aspects of computer security in a digitized environment „, organized by the Association of Energy Sector together with the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS), the importance of preventive measures was pointed out, including the use of strong passwords, regular software updates, installation of antivirus and other security tools, as well as compliance with best practices for protecting personal and business information.

The complete content of the news is available to Tanjug service users.

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