U Kragujevcu poskupljuje vodovod i kalizacija

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Kragujevačko JKP „Waterworks and Sewage“ has already informed consumers that from February 9th, it will apply higher prices by 20% for water consumption, sewage, and wastewater treatment, although this decision has not yet been approved by the City.

The decision of the Supervisory Board, for which approval is expected, is justified by the increased cost of raw materials and chemicals, as well as a drastic increase in the price of electricity.

The JKP says that a minimal increase in the price of water by 38% is necessary in order to avoid a loss of an additional approximately 360 million dinars, in addition to the earlier debt of consumers amounting to 500 million dinars.

According to the new price list, citizens will pay a total of 151 dinars (including VAT) for the services of the Waterworks, per cubic meter, instead of the current 126 dinars. For water consumption, the price will be 90.14 dinars per cubic meter (previously 75), and for sewage and wastewater treatment services, it will be 25.19 dinars (previously 30.23).

For companies and entrepreneurs, the total price will be 281.73 dinars with VAT per cubic meter (previously 235).

The decision to increase the prices was met with dissatisfaction by consumers, who are already burdened with high costs of living and are facing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many expressed their concerns about the impact of the price increase on their household budgets and called on the city authorities to reject the proposed price hike.

The City of Kragujevac also expressed its disapproval of the decision, stating that the increase in prices should be carefully considered and justified, especially in the current economic climate. The City authorities have requested additional documentation and justifications from the JKP before making a final decision.

In response to the criticism, the JKP defended its decision, stating that the price increase is necessary in order to cover the costs of the services and investments in infrastructure. They also emphasized that they have made efforts to minimize the impact on consumers and are willing to engage in discussions with the City to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties.

As the debate continues, consumers are urged to stay informed about the developments and to participate in the public consultations that will be organized by the City. It is expected that a final decision regarding the price increase will be made in the coming weeks, taking into account the concerns and suggestions of all stakeholders.

The issue of increasing water and sewage prices has sparked a broader discussion about the affordability and accessibility of essential services in Kragujevac and beyond. Many are calling for a more transparent and inclusive decision-making process, with a focus on ensuring the rights and well-being of all residents, particularly those who are most vulnerable.

In the meantime, consumers are advised to be mindful of their water consumption and to seek out alternative ways to reduce costs, such as water-saving devices and practices. They are also encouraged to stay engaged with the ongoing discussions and to voice their concerns to the relevant authorities, in order to ensure that their needs and interests are taken into account.

As the situation evolves, it is clear that the issue of water and sewage prices will continue to be a topic of debate and negotiation in Kragujevac, with implications for the wider community. It is essential for all stakeholders to work together towards a fair and sustainable solution that will benefit everyone in the long term.

Miloš Radovanović avatar

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