Vučić o Expo 2027

Miloš Radovanović avatar

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić najavio je da će građani uskoro moći da prate napredak radova na gradilištima za EXPO i Nacionalni stadion, jer će biti postavljeni reflektori i radovi će se obavljati u tri smene. Vučić je istakao da se vode bitke za ispunjenje rokova, kako za EXPO, tako i za ostale infrastrukturne projekte. Zahvalio je radnicima na njihovom trudu i energiji, naglašavajući da se Srbija brzo razvija zahvaljujući njihovom radu.

Govoreći o finansijama, Vučić je istakao da Srbija dobro stoji i da će uskoro otvoriti novi blok B3 u Kostolcu. Na tržištu energije, posebno struje, vlada velika volatilnost, pa se očekuje da će cene struje biti najviše u poslednjim mesecima, zbog velike potrošnje, čak i tokom leta. Vučić je naglasio da se očekuju problemi u snabdevanju strujom, ali da će otvaranjem novog bloka i izlaskom iz remonta u ‘Bajinoj Bašti’ ti problemi biti rešeni, te da građani neće osetiti nikakve poteškoće.

Ovo su samo neke od bitnih vesti koje dolaze od predsednika Vučića, dok se Srbija bori da ojača svoju infrastrukturu i finansijsku stabilnost, kao i da obezbedi stabilno snabdevanje energijom za svoje građane. Prateći najnovije vesti, građani mogu biti u toku sa svim dešavanjima u zemlji i svetu putem različitih kanala informisanja.
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President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic announced that citizens will soon be able to track the progress of construction sites for the EXPO and National Stadium, as floodlights will be installed and work will be carried out in three shifts. Vucic emphasized that battles are being fought to meet deadlines, both for EXPO and for other infrastructure projects. He thanked the workers for their efforts and energy, emphasizing that Serbia is developing rapidly thanks to their work.

Speaking of finances, Vucic pointed out that Serbia is in a good position and will soon open a new block B3 in Kostolac. In the energy market, especially electricity, there is great volatility, so it is expected that electricity prices will be at their highest in recent months, due to high consumption, even during the summer. Vucic emphasized that there are expected problems in electricity supply, but opening a new block and coming out of maintenance in ‘Bajina Basta’ will solve these problems, and that citizens will not feel any difficulties.

These are just some of the important news coming from President Vucic, as Serbia is fighting to strengthen its infrastructure and financial stability, as well as to ensure stable energy supply for its citizens. By following the latest news, citizens can stay updated with all the events in the country and the world through different channels of information.

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